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Letter to the editor: Leonhardt has earned another term

In 2016, Kent Leonhardt ran on the platform of bringing a much-needed change to the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. Citing that department’s prior ineffectiveness, as well as over-regulation at the state level, Leonhardt hoped to expand agriculture in our state and assist farmers in production.

With similar budget levels as 2012, Commissioner Leonhardt has run a fiscally conservative department that has done more for veterans, job growth and ridding of burdensome regulations than many previous administrations combined. Leonhardt has brought agriculture back to the forefront of state policy makers’ minds by clearly showing how vital the industry is in the Mountain State.

With our country facing one of the worst crises we have seen in decades, the commissioner has shown the importance of West Virginia agriculture. Coupled with his experience in the United States Marine Corps, Commissioner Leonhardt led the charge in fighting the spread of the coronavirus and putting us first. By keeping agribusiness open, working with the National Guard and county school systems, he has helped to keep West Virginia’s children fed during a time of uncertainty with school closures.

In the midst of a pandemic, West Virginia agriculture remains fruitful and endures. During a time of need, Commissioner Leonhardt has proven to West Virginia that he can not only accomplish what he set out to do in 2016 but far more — undoubtedly, Commissioner Leonhardt has stepped up to the plate and hit a home run. Leonhardt has proven he deserves another term as our commissioner of agriculture and has my vote.

Jarred Cannon


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